Why natural light is what you need...

After listening to Dr. Jack Kruse on Rick Rubin’s Podcast I stumbled across this recent Linkedin post Kruse had written in May of 2023 that perfectly connects all the dots for those of us needing to see all the information in one place.

Copied Below is his article without the graphics and photos which help fill out the story.

Find the full article here.


If you listened to the Rubin/Huberman/Kruse podcast the number on question I got was tell me about those 18 months after that moment at the foot of David. Well I went back to the medical school library and did a lot of homework and found the clues in human history.

The Industrial Revolution, which took place from the 18th to 19th centuries, was a period during which predominantly agrarian, rural societies in Europe and America became industrial and urban. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late 1700s, manufacturing was often done in people’s homes, using hand tools or basic machines. Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special-purpose machinery, factories and mass production. The iron and textile industries, along with the development of the steam engine, played central roles in the Industrial Revolution, which also saw improved systems of transportation, communication, and banking. While industrialization brought about an increased volume and variety of manufactured goods and an improved standard of living for some, it also resulted in often grim employment and living conditions for the poor and working classes. It also coincided with the discover of the light bulb and the AC power grid BEFORE quantum mechanic and biochemistry were discovered. There was no way for scientists of the day to know they had just created their own asteroid for the mammalian POMC gene.

For the first time in human history, people went from working outdoors to working indoors at large scale and for most of the day the sun was out. Humans created a world where they subtracted the sun from life.

When I thought about blue light and nnEMF in this way, I relazed since 1900 we have been blaming food and a lack of exercise for what modern light caused. It was then I decided to embark on finding the real cause of neolithic diseases. I need to find the mechanism in humans that would cause destruction of us inside.

I did not have to look far to find a huge missing piece of data ignored by the modern paradigm. The industrial revolution lasted from 1760-1840. This began to change mtDNA inheritance because people began burying the sun by living an indoor existence causing a spectral deficiency in light radiations. Here we saw outbreaks of TB in Europe and rickets in the working children. Both were caused by a lack of UV light. Both diseases were treated pre 1900 with sunlight to remedy the problem. That was a huge first step toward the truth. These were all diseases of darkness, both treated very successfully by sunlight.

In 1900, the average life expectancy across the whole globe was 31 years old. Living in a developed country afforded some benefit: they lived to 50 by 1900. Humans for our entire evolutionary history managed to live 20-30 years but the average life expectancy would have been lower. The figures are highly affected by infant survival back then. People still lived as long as they did today but infant mortality brought humans numbers down because of the math.

In 1900, 3 of ten children died before 5 driving the average life expectancy dramatically lower. In fact, if infant mortality had remained the same in 2000 as it was in 1900, over 500,000 infants would have died per year in the USA per year before their first birthday. Instead, only 28,000 per year died. That longevity benefit is given by centralized healthcare to vaccine and antibiotic development but my intuition told me it was the child labor laws in the early 20th century that was a largest benefit.

It got kids out of factory jobs and back outside and in schools. Today, kids are being locked up in schools for 8-10 hours a day under blue light with Wifi towers in the classrooms and hallways. Many now have Cell Towers installed on the roof to make money. This might be why today’s epidemiologists are finding some interesting links of mitochondrial diseases in school-age children.

One thing was clear from my research, in 1900 infectious disease top the list of killers of humans. Today it is brain degeneration followed by heart disease. Those diseases are directly related to damage to mtDNA and raised heteroplasmy. I now had a path to look upon. Mitochondrial death and disease were the new scourge. Lack of sun was the old scourge. I soon realized both were afflicting modern man causing a rapidly advancing disease wave early in the 20th century. I knew they were linked but I still had not found the smoking gun. But I went looking for light relate chemicals in humans.

Flemming and Florey got us penicillin in large amount by WW II in 1944 and largely buried the solar benefit story. Then modern dermatology and opthalmology help convince people for 85 years the sun was toxic. On the surface in my training this sounded good until I found this data on the spectrum of light.

So what did I see in 2000 in the literature as I looked in many branches of science? Our 21st-century lives are now a sterile ceasefire with massive vaccine programs and antibiotic use, water sanitation via chlorination and fluoridation and more hygiene medical practice. What was the human condition?

IT WAS WORSE. It was not filled with death, it was filled with neolithic diseases that big pharma was eager to treat with its products. Today infectious disease remains a top ten killer, but not at the very top as it was in 1900. Today, the top killer is neurodegeneration, heart disease closely followed by cancer. All of these were mitochondrial disorders of energy flow in cells.

Previously rare or unheard of conditions have now risen to prominence from nowhere like diabetes, obesity, and autoimmunity. These neolithic diseases are now considered being a normal part of human life today. This raised the question, what if they are not normal human diseases of aging? What if these are all diseases tied to a loss of energy/information flow from mitochondria heteroplasmy? What drives mitochondrial disease? Environmental change to the maternal germ cell line. We got that answer from Dr. Doug Wallace’s work in the last 40 years. This raised another question in my mind, “what if the environmental change since 1880 has fostered the diseases by epigenetic engineering due to some man introduced to Earth?”  I began to channel my inner Semmelweis and Snow. Who you ask? In my time every medical student learned about these two men. Today, few of them do. The centralized system is not interested in teaching students how to think. They just want you to follow algorithms they create for you.

the historical stories about Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis and  Dr. John Snow a British doctor are legendary in mitochondrial medicine. Semmelweis and Snow used epidemiology of trends to solve major diseases that were afflicting the people of their respective times. I copied both these men to find the answer in POMC and melanin.

In the early 1800’s infections were the leading cause of death and infections were believed to be caused by something called miasma or bad air, not germs. Microbes were discovered 150 years earlier but the toxic mist of air was thought to be more likely an etiology. This miasma was not thought to be transferred by physical contact. At the time, hospitals were the new human invention to help the public good, but they were the earliest incubators of disease because they were indoors and those who attended them risked their lives for treatments they needed for trauma or thought they needed for chronic conditions. Prior to this time babies were born in homes with midwives.

By 1840, 32% of women giving birth in a hospital died. Doctor’s, all male at the time, blamed their patients for those deaths. Semmelweis looked at the problem differently at Vienna General. It turned out he recognized that women in labor were admitted on alternate days to two different clinics. One was run by doctors and the other was run by midwives. He noted early on that childbed fever seemed an epidemic in the doctor’s clinic and not in the midwives clinic. The women in labor knew it too. They would wait even with children hanging from their vagina until midnight to be taken care of by the midwives. It sounds a like like what we just experinced in medicine over the last 3 years.

Semmelweis found that 2-8 % of new mother’s died of childbed fever cared for by midwives. It was over 60% in the doctors’ clinic. He looked at both clinics for answers to the paradox. In 1847, a close friend of Semmelweis and a former doctor himself was cut accidentally by a student’s scalpel during an autopsy. He died of childbed fever. Semmelweis immediately knew why doctors were killing their patients and not midwives immediately. Doctors would pass time by going to the morgue and teaching students anatomy on corpses. Midwives never did this. He thought that something in the morgue was being transferred to the maternity ward.

In this time doctors would wash with chlorinated lime to get rid of the stench of death on them. He reasoned what if the washing of the hands with the same material could remove the vector of death for women. He instituted a policy of hand washing for doctors and within one month the incidence of death from childbed fever was equal in both clinics. This made him very unpopular with the doctors of his time because it showed clearly that their behavior was the proximate cause of their deaths. Any doctor who wants to change a paradigm better beware of what happens to them if they buck the system. You heard what was done to me over the last twenty years in the podcast. It wasn’t 20 years later that Pasteur innovated the germ theory and it was proven by Robert Koch, where Semmelweis was vindicated. That solved this problem and created another. Germ theory was OK for this issue, but I relaized terrain theory was behind the modern human epidemics. It was not pathogens causing our morbidity and mortality. It was light frequencies that were.

By this time Semmelweis was long dead. Since he rallied against the establishment he was lured to the insane asylum by a centralized MD about seeing patients who were sick as a setup, and when he arrived, he was forced to drink castor oil and then beaten by guards and died two weeks later of sepsis. His colleagues wanted this new information buried from the public domain. Germ theory proved him right but it did Semmelweis no good. Robert O. Becker faced the same fate. He was cancelled by the paradigm in power. Being a leader or smarter than others is good in some ways but not in others especially if you are way out in front of the paradigm.

At the same time, miasma was killing women, many bad fluids from hospitals were being dumped into water supplies. In August of 1854 residents of London’s Soho district began to fall ill in large numbers. They developed explosive diarrhea which was watery and white and it never stopped. Each patient would produce 20 liters of stools per day which was dumped in the cesspools below their cramped houses in Soho. They all had cholera.

John Snow was skeptical of the “miasma story” circulating in Europe from Semmelweis time and was looking for an alternative explanation. He believed the illness was waterborne. He interviewed Soho residents and mapped cholera outbreak and survivors. Snow realized quickly that the water pump on Broad Street (now Broadwick Street) was the source of the epidemic. He used rational logic and evidence he had at that time, to solve the issue. Mind you he never was able to culture cholera from the water supply because we did not have the ability to do such things in the 1850’s. His work led to the disabling of the water pump and he went on to chlorinate the Broad Street pump. This is how water sanitation took hold in all of Britain late in the 19th century. Later it became the idea of Rockerfeller to replace chlorine with fluoride to rid his chemical business of this toxic by product. He reasoned if they both were chemically related, which they are, they could be interchangeable. Note below, both elements sit in group 7. They are jhalogens with high electronegativity and had an affinity for capturing electrons. I took not of the difference of electron capture of F- compared to Chlorine. This became important in my detective work to find POMC. I knew electrons had to be part of my work.

This is where water fluoridation ideas first got its foothold.Today your friends and family won’t have smallpox, cholera, or polio. Instead, you’ll see allergies, hayfever, diabetes, autism, hypothyroidism, TBI. early injury, poor wound healing, cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and Multiple Sclerosis exploding. Obesity is a global pandemic now in 50 years. 

Look at the cell phone graph above now. This was perhaps my biggest clue to the light story. I realized that light we do not see is part of the etiology. No wonder we kept missing it as a cause of disease, I thought. The spike in artificial light really ramped up when humans began using a cell phone on a massive basis, but the artificial light behavior of humans began around 1880. Many people want to blame sugar as the cause of the obesity epidemic, but take a look at the graph below based on NHANES data.  Sugar does not really explain the spike but the one tied to artificial light certainly does fit the modern obesity epidemic. We are constantly blaming food for what light has been causing.

Then I found out that man made light drove blood glucose higher in 2011 from Nora Volkows work, so one can get the clinical picture that people appears to have high blood glucose and high insulin levels when in fact they are not eating huge amounts of foods that are sugar related or become sugar in our bodies.

^^^^This throws a major monkey wrench into the current low carb high-fat paradigm. We should not be blaming food here, we need to be blaming light. I thought to myself, could it be, that modern lighting and technology are capable of ruining mitochondrial functioning in some way to give us the appearance we are all massive consumers of sugar? That is what my thought were all about until I stepped to the foot of David.

Why did I know mitochondria were at the base of modern diseases?

You did not hear this in the Rubin podcast.

I asked my self, what about the new diseases that we never saw in 1900? For example, in the 1940’s autism was so rare it did not have a name. Record keeping began in 2000 with this disease. In 2000 it was half as common as it is today. Autism rates used to be 1 in 500 and today they are 1 in 68 kids, but 1 in 42 boys. In some locale’s, like Orange County, California, it is now 1 in 30 males births. Why are kids into transgenderism and suffering from high levels of precocious puberty today?

I realized in 2005 it was fashionable to look at genetics for the causes of all diseases but if you understand genetics there is no way that in 5 generations genes will change that much unless Darwin was wrong. Not one study shows this rapid change so why are we looking there? We know the nuclear genome cannot change this quickly.

This raises the question, “What genome can change rapidly in humans?” Prokaryotes, viruses, and Archea are known to and observed to do this. People forget mitochondria might have a bacterial origin and they way they work remain more bacterial and less eukaryotic. People forget humans are a species whose cells still contain two genomes.  We have a nuclear genome that is related to HERV viral parts we've collected as primates and we have a mitochondrial genome that we usurped from a bacteria 600 million years ago. The Human Genome project shocked most of the world because it showed we have a lot fewer genes then we all thought. We have the same number of genes as gorillas, yet we are radically different, yet closely related by DNA. I thought this paradox was important. It also should have been the wake-up call that we should stop looking at genes for modern day diseases. I decided to use Semmelweis and Snow’s ideas to see if mitochondrial damage from the electromagnetic spectrum might the smoking for new neolithic diseases.

Epidemiology is a mainstay of medical detective work. It is simple if you understand what Semmelweis and Snow did. They asked 3 main questions in solving the problems they faced in their time. They were:

1. Where are these diseases occurring?

2 Who do they affect?

3. When did they become a problem?

The answers to those three questions can help answer where we should be looking for the causes of 21st-century diseases. For Snow Where was the biggest clue to the mystery of the Broad St. pump. Today we know allergy, autoimmunity, and obesity all began in the western world. The epicenter of obesity is in the southern USA where I live. Geography does not explain it all. All Neolithic disease began in the West but they have spread globally fast. The clearest particular correlate of the topography of diseases is wealth. It has been often shown that for every 10% increase in tech spending the world gets sicker and fatter. NHANES charts (above) are linked in a linear fashion to tech spending. One thing is clear from 1950 onward, with wealth creation comes chronic illness. In fact, the size of your salary, the wealth of your neighborhood, and the status of your country all contribute to your risk of these diseases. Modern epidemiologists have found many links to zip codes to specific DRG codes in hospital data but no one seems to understand the linkage. I think I do. That is what my podcast with Rubin was all about. It is my Semmelweis/Snow moment working for you, the public.

The other questions Snow and Semmelweis asked were:

Who does these diseases effect? 

We learned “Who” was important in the 1918 pandemic of flu. That flu killed young healthy men more and spared the old and children. Why? The immune response was so strong from a competent immune system it caused a cytokine storm that killed the people you least expected to die. “Who” is a question that tells us why something is dangerous.

“Who” is composed of 3 elements: 

1. ages of those affected. 

2. races affected. 

3. sexes affected.

Age of neolithic diseases tells us way more disease is afflicting younger ages. Autism, allergies, IBD, MS, diabetes, and obesity are affecting young and younger population. Disease acuity is shockingly young today. If you do not believe it ask any ER physician.

Races: Blacks Hispanics and South Asians are more fat and have higher cardiovascular diseases than whites in the western world. this told me skin color was tied to the story. I thought about melanin for the first time and then thought about what I read in the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. Julian Battle came back tan and changed. Allergies and asthma affect more blacks and autism and autoimmunity is a wash with respect to race. Sometimes what appears as a racial difference is buried in migration patterns. It turns out the migrate for technology light was the key. The best way to untangle ethnicity and environment is to look at the health of recent migrants in human history to the USA. I have. In the 1990’s civil war lead to a mass exodus of Somali blacks to North America. That diaspora faced a new battle: While autism is unheard of in Somalia, the incidence of the migrant’s children rapidly jumped to match children in North America. the difference in the latitude is massive and so is the reliance of technology. This was evident in Toronto when it was studied. In Somali’s immigrants, they have specific cultural names for autism here. They believe autism is a Western disease. The same was seen in Somali’s in Sweden. Race is not the key but location from the equator seems to be. Somali is 5 degrees North of the equator and is a poor country with low tech penetration circa 2005.

What about sex?

Do women and men suffer equally? Women have a stronger immune system because of childbearing but it appears this superiority causes them to have more autoimmune conditions. Women suffer the bulk of modern AI’s. Allergies affect more boys than girls but after puberty, it switches and girls have more allergies. Gut disorders affect women more than men. IBS is twice as common in women than men in 2005. The data showed both sexes however were racing toward each other. This told me something both sexes was tied to this but in women the agent was more important in epigenetically marking the eggs in ovaries. One of the paper's I was gfiven was on leptin's control of fecundity in human females. That opened up a new avenue of discovery. Obesity afflicts women more than men. Mental health afflicts women more than men including depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder. Autism is a male predominant disease. Another paradox to explain.

When you look at it with 21st-century eyes, there is a clear female bias in modern plagues. These diseases are not diseases of old age. They are not diseases of genetic inheritance. They occur as diseases of the privileged young with good immune systems, and they tend to be female.

The last question to ask: When?

When we look at the best record keeping in Scandinavia it appears 1950-59 is when disease phenotype began to explode. Most experts look at the end of the WW II as the inflection point. In my opinion, either one fit the etiology of the source. From asking What?, Where?, Who?, and When? we have established several key things for 21st-century diseases.

These diseases often SEEM to arise in the gut, but they are almost always associated with immune systems. Second, they strike the young, often children, teens, and young adults and many more women than men. Third, these illnesses occur in the Western world but now are quickly spreading to even rural cultures at fast speeds as they modernize. Fourth, they began their rise in the West in the late 1940’s and developing countries followed suit in a linear fashion.

The key is the gut link and speed of transmission to these diseases. It mimics how a bacteria reproduce. Bacteria grow fastest under nnEMF as NASA space programs have shown modern space medicine. This was originally discovered aboard the MIR spacecraft by American astronaut David Wolf in 1998.  The female link ties this to mitochondrial biology because all mtDNA is maternally inherited and this makes sense why children are inheriting high heteroplastic mtDNA from mothers in bad environments.

I will remind you again, we have two genomes in us, one bacterial that controls energy flux in tissues and the other virally based that controls nuclear-based genes. The bacterial one mutates 5 times faster than the other and it shows maternal inheritance. It is massively affected by nnEMF and light environments with spectral deficits compared to sunlight. Many scientists will want to blame the microbiome changes as the cause of the diseases but they often fail to recognize how mitochondria have their own network of bacterial genomes working inside of our cells to work or fail to release massive amounts of light for signaling compared to eukaryotic cells!!!!!

We are 10% human, 60% water, 10% magnetic, and 20% solar lit. Mitochondria and bacteria respond differently to these set of “environmental affairs” tied to light, and I believe it explains why 21 stcentury disease really exist. This is where Semmelweis and Snow’s sleuthing has led me. I realized that the eye and skin had to link the gut and the immune story so I went looking in the eye and skin for an answer. It lead me to POMC and its cleavage products. It controls melanin and immunity in all mammals and is found amplified in the eye and skin of all mammals.

So what happens when we block parts of the spectrum of the sun or get too much of parts we are not supposed to experience with respect to this gene? Can light cause digital toxicity?

Do you know when this “light assault” really began on human mitochondria? Way longer than most of you would guess.

Humans have always wanted to look attractive. Even in ancient times, people desired to avoid sunburn. This takes us back to the Egyptian days. Egyptians always considered light skin more beautiful than dark skin. However, Egypt’s sun-drenched environment made it difficult to maintain light and radiant skin. Recently, the papyri and tomb walls were translated and this revealed that the Egyptians used the ingredients of potions to ward off tan and also heal damaged skin. This is why the Egyptian mummies have been found to have the same diseases we see today. The slaves of this empire were far healthier than their masters. The irony was that “Ra” was their God and their vanity blocked them from “his wisdom”.

The Egyptians used ingredients that have been rediscovered by modern scientists. For example, the Egyptians used rice bran extracts in some of their sunscreen formulas. Today, gamma oryzanol is extracted from rice bran and is used as in industry for its UV-absorbing properties. The Egyptians also used jasmine in their version of sunscreens. Recently a study revealed that jasmine helps to heal DNA at the cellular level in the skin and also mends skin damage. A lupine extract was also used by the Egyptians to lighten the skin and all these ingredients are still used in our sunscreens.

In the early 1930’s, a South Australian chemist, HA Milton Blake, experimented and produced a sunburn cream. Following this invention, the founder of L’Oreal Company, chemist Eugene Schueller refined the invention and the first sunscreen made its debut in 1936. Guys, 1936 is only 90 years ago. This is right before the modern spike of all the neolithic disease we see by NHANES data. I now knew beyond a shadow of a doubt a blockade of light was behind the etiology.

Later in 1938, a famous chemist called Franz Greiter developed a cream which he named as Gletscher Crème or Glacier Cream. He also came up with something called as the sun protection factor which is now known as SPF factor in a sunscreen. Franz invented the SPF factor which then became a standard for measuring the effectiveness of sunscreen when applied at an even rate of 2 milligrams per square centimeter. The initial Glacier cream contained SPF of two. This formula was picked by a company called as Piz Buin.

Post this, many others tried experimenting with the sunscreens and many variants made their debut. In 1944, Florida based pharmacist, Benjamin Green patented another version of sunscreen. He called it as Red Vet Pet, and his patent was bought by a company called as Coppertone who sold it as “Coppertone Girl” and “Bain de Soleil” in the early 1950s. People looked awfully healthy in the 1950s.

Finally, in 1980, Coppertone developed the first UVA/UVB sunscreen which has been in the markets with different names.

Women were the Early adopters of the vanity message pushed by sunscreen manufactures that blockade of the sun made you look younger. Not only was the true, it actually made your skin atrophy and women became the vector of the modern epidemics of disease. They began to show up everywhere looking like this. Meet Casper the ghost.

Scientists are still searching for more effective ways to protect the human body against the sun. In my opinion, they should stop. The best way to protect yourself from the sun is to look deep into the wisdom that built the Epi-paleo Rx book I wrote in 2013. One goal of these scientists is to develop a sunscreen pill for public consumption. Guess why? It is really good for the business of centralized science.

I knew the eye and skin were the key to solving for X. Now I had a new rabbit hole to explore. My goal was to find out how primates in the equatorial sun did it to lose their hair in the East African Rift. Shellfish was that answer. Recently, significant attention is been given to a substance called astaxanthin that is found in red ocean plants and marine animals, such as salmon and crabs. Astaxanthin is considered as the most effective protection against free radicals found to date in nature. Astaxanthin is an antioxidant that helps in reducing the pain and swelling associated with sunburn too. Did you know that? Most humans do not. Sometimes humans capture lightning in a bottle.

For the eye, the change is not back to the Egyptians. It is a relatively recent change when we look back. We have data that in prehistoric time Inuit peoples wore flattened walrus ivory glasses to block harmful reflected rays of the sun, the earliest historical reference to sunglasses dates back to ancient China and Rome. The Roman emperor Nero watched gladiator fights through polished gem lenses.

In China, sunglasses were used in the 12th century or possibly earlier. These sunglasses were made out of lenses that were flat panes of smoky quartz. Quartz allows UV light penetration. They offered no corrective powers nor they protect from harmful UV rays but did protect the eyes from glare. Ancient documents describe the use of such crystal sunglasses by judges in ancient Chinese courts to hide their facial expression when they interrogated witnesses.

James Ayscough began experimenting with tinted lenses in spectacles around 1752. This was when eyeglasses became fashionable for humans. Ayscough was steadfast in the belief that blue-or green-tinted glass could potentially correct specific vision impairments. Protection from the sun’s rays was not a concern at this time because no one understood light at this time.

Glasses tinted with yellow-amber and brown were also a commonly-prescribed item for people with syphilis in the 19th and early 20th century because one of the symptoms of the disease was sensitivity to light.

In the early 20th century, the use of sunglasses become more widespread, especially among the early Hollywood movie stars of nontalking black and white pictures. Then the rock n roll industry began wearing them while working at night and we started to see massive opiate use and suicide in that group. I realized light at night was destroying brain dopamine as the slide shows below.

Inexpensive mass-production of sunglasses started in 1929 when Sam Foster introduced them to America. Foster sold his sunglasses on the beaches of Atlantic City, New Jersey under the name Foster Grant from a Woolworth on the Boardwalk. These sunglasses were made to protect people’s eyes from the sun’s rays. Foster-Grant sunglasses became the first cultural trend to wearing tinted lenses that altered the solar frequencies.

Polarized sunglasses first became available in 1936, when Edwin H. Land began using his patented Polaroid filter when making sunglasses. This was adapted from cameras. Since the eye was viewed as only a camera no one understood the potential biologic effects on wound healing or immunity.

I'm a surgeon and all surgeon's really care about wound healing. you heard the story of the banjo player I operated on in 2012. Now you can see why I asked him to do what I did.

Sunglasses even played a significant role during the World War II, when Ray Ban created anti-glare aviator style sunglasses, using polarization. Ray-Ban Aviator sunglasses became very popular with the celebrities and the community in 1937 when they started to be sold for public consumption. This set the stage for massive mitochondrial disease propagation.


Society became artificially lit by Edison and Westinghouse bulbs in the late 19th century (the 1880’s) and the effect was extended by Tesla’s AC induction motors for cities in 1893. This made nighttime light a luxury item everyone wanted for the first time in human history. This is only 133 years ago. Cancer in 1893 was almost unheard of in medicine. That seems important since the sun power has remained constant since the Cambrian explosion.

Today, sunglasses with UV protection has almost become an industry standard, and there are a lot of tints available for sunglasses, and sunglasses styles are changing every year. The same is now true for eyeglasses and IOL implants.

What about skin cancer? For this link to light, we must turn to the best record keepers on the planet: Sweden. For those of you who don’t know Sweden as a country keep meticulous records of the population and has for close to 130 years. SO I looked there. So when we want to use epidemiology to spot trends this is where we should head for reliable data.

What did I find..........

Now you know how Uncle Jack operates and thinks. I use data we know to uncover the unknown. What you heard in the podcast was just the tip of the iceberg folks. I am not close to being done changing the world's opinion of centralization in medicine.

Just since 1940.


How does blue light affect your melatonin production?